Learn More about the Process of Roofing Installation

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Roofing installation is the first step in getting a roof for your new home or business or replacing an old or damaged roof. Roofing installation should always be performed by a certified roofing company.

Learn More about the Process of Roofing Installation

There are several steps that are completed during roofing installation. These steps include:

  • Ice and rain underlayment: This is the first layer of your roofing installation. Its purpose is to protect your home from water infiltration.
  • Underlayment: This is a second layer of underlayment. They serve as an additional layer of protection for your home to protect it against the elements.
  • Shingle starter: Provides a secure base on which to install the shingles.
  • Cements and sealants: Seal the edges and seams of the roof to prevent water damage. They also seal the area closed to protect it from the elements.
  • Shingles: Are the topmost layer of your roof and provide the first line of defense for your roof to protect it from the elements. They serve as a way to direct water away from your roof.
  • Ventilation: Allows moisture and heat to escape from the attic and assists in regulating the temperature of your home.
  • Hip and ridge shingles:  These are shingles that cover the hips and ridges of your home and act as an additional layer of protection.

When all these components are properly installed, it creates a quality roofing installation that will last for years to come with proper maintenance and care. Once the roof is installed, regular inspections and maintenance are recommended to keep your roof in working order for a longer period of time. All of these services should be completed by our certifies roofers, so you receive the performance you hope to see from your roof.